Second Year Anniversary (3)
The summary of Thinking Space from October 2007 to September 2008. The posts are organized in three major categories: Web evolution, industrial actions, and instant thoughts.
Web Evolution1) Web Science
Invariants on the Web: what are the invariants on the Web? The answer may affect how we approach the next generation Web.
Online Identity: is OpenID the eventual solution to the online identity problem? By answering it, we should first take a look at the essential characters of identities.
2) Web 2.0
What is Web 2.0? my explanation of Web 2.0.
Macroscopic regularity over microscopic Brownian motion | the secret beneath the wisdom or crowds: the wisdom of crowds and Brownian motion, combining the two we may learn some secrets behind Web 2.0.
Resource portability: resource portability, a superset of data portability, is a key to study Web evolution beyond Web 2.0.
Data Portability: The Next Great Frontier for the Web: my explanation of data portability.
3) Semantic Web
Abandon Babel, Welcome Society (the philosophy behind Semantic Web approaches): the first of the two main essays of my Semantic-Web vision. A realized Semantic Web must be more like a dynamic society of knowledge (a web of agents) than the knowledge Babel Tower (a web of data). The full text is at Semantic Focus.
Metadata or Hyperdata, Link or Thread, What is a Web of Data?the second of the two main essays of my Semantic-Web vision. The coexistence of a "web of data" and a "web of agents". The full text is at Semantic Focus.
Talk with Talis: interviewed by Paul Miller, I shared my thoughts of how to initiate Semantic Web in a practical way. The plan was executing. Unfortunately, however, due to some non-technical reason the execution paused .
The Curse of Knowledge and the Semantic Web: the curse of knowledge and a potential solution for ontology mapping. The full text is at Semantic Focus.
How to achieve the Semantic Web: a point of view based on Web evolution.
Building Semantics is Different from Building the Web: to build Semantic Web? Please think of it again. Are you actually constructing semantics or building a web? They are not the same.
A quick thought of semantic web: Is the W3C interpretation of Semantic Web realizable according to the second law of thermodynamics?
4) Transition to the next stage World Wide Web
Current Status of Web Evolution by Watching Web 2.0 Summit: my thought of Web evolution after watching the 2007 Web 2.0 Summit.
Multi-layer Abstractions: World Wide Web or Giant Global Graph or Others: in which role do we think of ourselves with respect to the Web? Purely as a reader, half reader half publisher, or mainly a publisher. Be note, the distinction of these answers is critical.
The emergence of social graphs: the emergence of social graphs and its impact to the Web evolution. This is my first article at Internet Evolution.
The Web is dynamic: how the Web is evolving from static to dynamic.
Upgrade RW to RWR: if Web 2.0 is the Read/Write Web, Web 3.0 might be the Read/Write/Request Web. This is my thought last year, which has been slightly different from what I am thinking now. The original full-text article is published at Semantic Report.
Evolution of Web Business: a few of my initial thoughts on the relationship between Web evolution and Web business. It is not a well written but some of the thoughts might still be interesting. The full text is at Semantic Report.
The initial signal of Web 3.0: probably it was the initial sign that the transition to Web 3.0 started.
Is Web 2.0 cycle coming to its end? yes and no: my argument to both Chris Shipley and Richard MacManus about the Web 2.0 cycle.
Web search in evolution: my viewpoints about the issues that drive the evolution of Web search. The full text is at Alt Search Engines blog.
Radar themes: my brief comments on several future trends declared by O'Reilly Radar.
Industrial Actions1) Google
The Age of Google: a 4-installment series, my thoughts of Google, for celebrating Google's 10-year birthday.
The Revolution Behind Google Knol: Google Knol and the formation of mind asset.
Start to customize a new world: Google Chrome and its revolution.
2) Yahoo
In the past year, Yahoo started to revise its search engine and stepped into the realm of Semantic Web. This is, however, unsurprising. Despite of the loss to Google Search, Yahoo search was born with ranking by semantic understanding (though by humans at that time) rather than ranking by link popularity. This action is back to its origin at a higher level.
Yahoo updated its search: Yahoo's initial sign for embracing semantic web.
The Difference between Yahoo and Facebook: my prediction on the difference between Yahoo's open strategy and Facebook's open strategy. It is exciting that my prediction actually went true when watching Yahoo's later announcement of Y!OS, though at the meantime I had totally no clue at all about SearchMonkey and BOSS.
Y!OS, a new start of Yahoo? an ambitious but exciting Yahoo remodeling starts. Though doubtful of its scale, I do wish Yahoo's success.
Enough ants may bite an elephant to death: Yahoo BOSS is brilliant in its concept.
A swing between passion and reality: my support for Jerry Yang's mission. Jerry is a visionary, who often has to suffer much of the struggle between passion and reality.
3) Microsoft
Microsoft Windows: more than operating system: does Microsoft really know the potential of its Windows at this new Web age? Besides the post, I had tried to share more with Microsoft individually but failed. I start to understand why new companies may always have chances to defeat a giant.
Pay you to Live Search, brilliant? will the pay-to-search model succeed? I doubt.
Ahead The Read Ahead: Farewell, Bill, and we have learned from you both great experiences and precious lessons.
The secret behind Powerset acquisition: my thoughts about Microsoft's acquiring Powerset.
4) Facebook/LinkedIn
Social Network: devoting to plebeians or elites? my first post about Facebook and LinkedIn, apparently I favored Facebook more than LinkedIn at the beginning.
LinkedIn to Chinese market, oppotunity and challenge: taking LinkedIn as an example, some suggestions for US IT companies to enter China.
Facebook Paradox: real social or unreal social: it seems Facebook is contradicting to itself. Will this contradiction eventually hurt the company in long term?
5) Imindi
What indeed is imindi? a great new startup, brilliant idea and excellent service. This post is a shallow introduction of the service at the current stage. Way more future of the service is undisclosed. After the hostile reception at TC50, however, the startup is now fighting hard on improving the service and seeking for financial fund to keep on going. If it could survive, this company will be a representative of new generation business many investors are seeking in this financial crisis period.
Improve Human Intelligence: the opposite to Artificial Intelligence: instead of making computers smarter because of human beings, why not making humans smarter because of computers? The full text is at Internet Evolution with a varied title: A New Take on Internet-based AI.
6) Others
Twine: the first impression: my impression of Twine before it went public.
Twine: the second impression: my impression of Twine after my first test of its beta service.
ZCubes: towards Web 3.0: a brief analysis of ZCubes, an extraordinary multi-functional platform that brings users flexibility of mixing various Web formats.
YokWay moves forward: an introduction of YokWay, a collaborative bookmarking service.
Genome: rethinking of Social Networking: Vladislav Chernyshov's mission for creating a 2.0 social networking service.
Cuil Search: Cuil, novel in its resource production but not-good-enough on the search performance.
yourBusinessChannel, the Web 2.0 marketing: yourBusinessChannel, a typical example when traditional marketing meets Web 2.0.
Instant ThoughtsThe Implicit Web: beneath the Web we visit daily, there is the implicit web that consists of a greater volume of delicate connections among Web resources.
Blink: an embarrassment of collective intelligence: my thoughts after reading Malcolm Gladwell's Blink.
Collectivism on the Web: a thoughtful list of many variations of collectivism that might (and probably also should) be implemented on the future Web.
Thinkers and The New Web Age: the role of thinkers in the coming new Web age, an extension of my post "Thinkers in the New Web Age" at Internet Evolution.
World Wide Web is not just for browsing, it is for branding yourself! as the title.
The Harmonious Age: introduction about Adam Lindemann's vision about the future.
We are in a new transition, Part 1: my vision of human society evolution.
Great thought may not be a secret: don't worry about keeping your great idea a secret, if it's good enough you will have to beat people over the head with it.
Measurement of Mind Asset: a discussion with Michel Bauwens, exploring the new concept "mind asset".
Failure and Success of Web Startups: make others be better, this is a key of surviving.
Programming the Universe, Part 1: quotes and thoughts about Part One of the book "Programming the Universe", many insightful claims made by Professor Seth Lloyd.
Programming the Universe, Part 2: my thoughts of information, energy, and mass based on Professor Seth Lloyd's discovery on quantum computation.
Quantum universe, mind, and idealism: a few more discussion after the review of "Programming the Universe."
Why do we bookmark? to predict the next generation online bookmarking services.
The future of email: to predict the future of the email service.
Blogging: to predict the future of blogging.
China, how to understand this country? introduction of China, for readers living at the western world.
Marketing strategy in social networks: business thought, analysis of a common misconception of marketing online social networks.
Modern management and creativity: business thought, the relationship between management and creativity in corporations.
New generation business demands new DNA: business thought, mind asset and the new DNA in new generation business.
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