Sunday, June 05, 2011

Surrender the blessing back to God

1 Samuel (1:27-18)

I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord." And she worshiped the Lord there.

In Chinese Translation (撒母耳记上 1)

27 我祈求为要得这孩子,耶和华已将我所求的赐给我了。
28 所以我将这孩子归与耶和华,使他终身归与耶和华。”于是在那里敬拜耶和华。

When Hannah pleaded to God for a child, God answered. After she received the blessing, however, she surrendered it back to the God who gave. That child was Samuel, one of the greatest prophets in the Bible.

We often ask for help from God when we get trouble or face difficulty. We, however, seldom think how we should do if God granted us what we asked.

Such a question might sound strange. If that is what I looked for and God answered, why should I give it up when finally it seems my dream comes true?

One might ask such a question because he does not yet know which one is more precious---the dream or the one who can realize any dream. If we still stay in the stage that the dream of myself is more important and more precious, we have missed the real value of the world. The one who can realize dream is always bigger than any dream, no matter how much valuable the dream means to us. When Hannah gave her most precious holding back to God, God blessed her more than she asked at the beginning.

There is a secret of our God. HE is absolutely willing to bless us in abundance. What prevents HIM from doing so is our unwillingness of surrendering ourselves. When we still love the feeling of ourselves much more than HIM, HE cannot give us such an abundance because the cost for the gifts is nothing but love! The more love you have, the more abundant God can give to you. The more love you have, the more gifts from God you can hold.

Hannah knew it. Hence God might bless her more than she asked. May all of us had faith like Hannah, be the holders of God's most precious gifts!

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